Make a Contribution

All contributions are valued, and we thank you on behalf of the children and families served by CAN Council.

Children should be seen, heard, and believed!


The Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Council is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that depends on tax-deductible donations from the community. If you would like to make an online donation now using a credit card, click on the “Donate Now” link on the right.

Ways to donate

We offer several ways for you to invest in the future of our communities and all children. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to speak with someone by phone or in-person to learn more about the different ways to give to the CAN Council. If you’re ready to make a contribution today, you may do so using our online donation form.

Tax ID

Saginaw County: 38-2480726

Bay County: 38-2520774

Huron County: 38-2695952



CAN Council continues to grow while providing innovative education and public awareness programs designed to help end child abuse in the community. As our programs and services grow, it is very important for us to ensure the legacy of the organization’s mission. For this reason, we have established endowment programs administered through the Saginaw Community Foundation for Saginaw County and the Bay Area Community Foundation for Bay County.

Saginaw County: Go to the Saginaw Community Foundation website and specify the Child Abuse and Neglect Council Endowment in the “Endowed Fund Name” field.

Bay County: Go to the Bay Area Community Foundation website then select the Nathan Weidner Children’s Advocacy Center Fund.


Alternatively, a check can be made payable to Saginaw Community Foundation or Bay Area Community Foundation and sent to the CAN Council, and we will see that the appropriate foundation receives it.